Drum rollllll please, may I introduce Cathy. She is my bestfriend! She has creativity the like's of which you have never seen! I am going to start to post what she creates on my blog. I told her she needs to share what she creates and she is bashful and doesn't think no one will think what she makes is good enough. But I keep telling her that everyone will love your work. So with her permission I am now going to post her stuff on my blog, since I am in the middle of a move and all my stuff is packed up. So please leave comments as to what you think, then she can get in here and read what you all think. I think she will be surprised at the responses she will get.
So help me convince her that her stuff is really good, and she really has talent! Judge for yourself and leave your comments. Think of yourself at a craft fair or trying to create a memory of an event or just "playing around" being crafty. I haven't got the kind of talent that she does and you'll see that she sure does. Ok, so below is some of her work, that she has sent me pictures of....................but this is her right below here....................

Crafty Cathy :) I love you!!
OH MY GOD!!!! When i came by to check out your site and seen my mug on it i almost died...hahaha
then to see the crafts i did and sent you to see i almost died again..my gosh are you working on a HEART ATTACK for me..LOL
I couldnt believe you did this and i love you for it..its so nice to know that someone thingks my crafts are ok enough to show the world..WOW!!!!!
Girlfriend your the best and i hope that your viewers dont mind you showing off my work..i love doing crafts of all kinds but dont have the esteem to show them off...
Crafting to me is my way of giving to the ones i love..i dont have much so i offer me in everything i give to someone..
I love you ellen and i cant say thank you enough for believeing in me... BIG HUGS AND LOTS OF LOVE...
Yeah! post stuff from your friend!!
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