This page that I completed - is my bestfriend from Arizona. It is just different facial features that I loved. So I cropped them down and put this together. The bronze colored stickers are just stickers, they are not cute out from my Slice. Then instead of journeling with my white pen, I used a gold one, to kinda color coordinate with everything. When she see's this on here, she is probably going to cry, but that is my Cathy. Things like this effect her and I the same. Because I can just hear her saying "Wow, Ellen did a page just of me!" and I know her that she will feel so honored. But like I said the photos are some of my favorite taken one day while she was at my house in Arizona. So, Cathy, I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU terribly.
ELLEN ELLEN did it to me again dam you...LOL
this page is so meaning ful to me and you captured me as true as you could..i hate being in photos but you make being on a page something so cool..haha
you and jim always seem to capture my most horrible expressions but i guess thats what makes you a good scrapper..
I love you too girlfriend and you know how much i MISS YOU..
i love how you used this color code to match the so have done such great jobs with your scrapping. im jealous that i dont have that talent..
keep up the good work you sure are a pro at it..
love ya
This page is so sweet....I like how you got her different facial expressions....too bad she couldn't just move with you huh!
The colors with the pix look really pretty together...she's right you're a pro :)
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